
Latest Npower Stipend News Today 6th July 2023: Payment of Outstanding/Backlog Stipends not ended, ignore Rumours - NASIMS alerts

In Todays latest Npower Stipend News, Thursday 6th July 2023, we bring to you nasims news on payment today, n power news, nasims news today 2023 as NASIMS makes clarification on rumours making round the Social Media.

The Npower Management, the National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) has reacted to a widely spread claim that payment of Outstanding/Backlog Stipends of October, November, and December 2022 has ended.

NASIMS alarmed that payment of Outstanding/Backlog Stipends is ongoing and beneficiaries should expect their Stipends any moment from today, warning that beneficiaries should do away with negetive assertions capable of heating the polity in the country.

Explaining the recent impediments in the Stipend payment, NASIMS noted that it has continued to sort genuine beneficiaries from Npower Applicants who had complicated the Npower Validation process.

NASIMS revealed that while over 200,000 new Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries were shortlisted recently, and instructed to validate their Npower information using Npower Validation Form, thousands of "Npower Applicants" who have not been shortlisted, had filled the form also.

"This has made the payment process more cumbersome. We can not use funds meant to pay genuine beneficiaries to pay individuals who have not been engaged in the programme. Payment will be ongoing while we continue sorting", the Npower management disclosed.

Related: Latest Npower Stipend News Today 3rd July 2023: NASIMS continues Stipend Payment, moves to validate New Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries on NASIMS Portal

NASIMS warned Npower Applicants and individuals who did not recieve Text messages or E-mail to validate their Npower information to desist from filling the Npower Validation Form, as it is causing more delay in the Stipend payment. 

The Npower Management further disclosed that while unpaid Batch C1 and C2 Npower beneficiaries were sent messages to validate their Accounts previously, it was also observed that several individuals who are not Batch C1 or Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries filled the Npower Validation Form. 

NASIMS reiterated that why it has not closed that Validation process is because some of the recently shortlisted Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries are yet to complete the Validation as it has continued to send e-mail notification to the new beneficiaries.

"We have sent text messages initially to the newly selected beneficiaries. We are sending emails also. 

"The reason we are sending both text messages and e-mail is to ensure that a shortlisted Applicant who did not recieve text messages, might receive e-mail or both. Both messages are the same", NASIMS clarified.

The Npower Management advised the newly Shortlisted Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries who are yet to complete the Validation Form to do so as the window would be shortdown at anytime.

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Speaking on Batch C1 Backlog/Outstanding Stipends payment, the Npower management stated that it would revisit Batch C1 Stipend Payment after the payment of Batch C2 Backlogs/Outstanding Stipends have been paid completely.

The Npower Management noted that Batch C1 Npower Programme has ended in August, 2022 but a benevolent package of 3months Stipends were approved for them in February, 2023 by the Minister, Farouq. However, the Batch C1 September to November Stipend Payment has been suspended for now, until Batch C2 Payment has been concluded.  

Summary of Latest Npower Stipend News Today 6th July 2023, nasims news on payment today, n power news, nasims news today 2023.

Payment of Backlog/Outstanding Stipends of October, November, and December 2022 to Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries has not ended. It is ongoing. Ignore rumours and expect your payment from today.

Npower Applicants who have not been selected as beneficiaries should desist from filling the Npower Validation Form. 

Npower Validation will close soon. Selected beneficiaries should complete their validation immediately. 

Batch C1 Outstanding/Batcklog Stipends Payment has been suspended for now, but has not been terminated.  

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