
NPC Birth Registration Recruitment 2023: Solutions to Residence Selection and Face Capture Issues

Following the ongoing application for the NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff e-Recruitment 2023, there have been increasing complaints on the inability of many applicants to complete application due to one issue or the other.

Among the issues presented, inability to complete Face Capture and Select Local Government of Residence are the two prevalent issues.

In this post, we have provided guidelines on how to complete the NPC Birth Registration Recruitment Application as a solution to the two main identified problems.

Before we proceed, applicants should note that NPC Birth Registration can now be conducted only in these 24 States: Sokoto, Zamfara, Katsina, Jigawa, Yobe, Borno, Gombe, Bauchi, Kano, Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger, Nasarawa, Plateau, Taraba, Benue, Kogi, Ondo, Enugu, Cross River, Bayelsa, Delta, Lagos, Ogun.

Applicants applying for the NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff Recruitment should be resident in the listed States above, and should be willing to participate in the NPC Birth Registration in any of the State above.

Applicants should also note that the only genuine website for applying for the NPC Birth Registration Adhoc Staff Recruitment 2023 is https://birthregistrationadhoce-recruitment.com. Any other website claiming to be accepting application for NPC Birth Registration Recruitment which is different from the above is Fake.

How to Solve NPC Birth Registration e-Recruitment Face Capture and Selection of Residence issues

1. Solution to Face Capture issues:

(a) Ensure you have turned on your Device Location before opening the NPC Birth Registration Recruitment Application Website https://birthregistrationadhoce-recruitment.com. This will ready the portal as the location information is essential in assessing the eligibility of an Applicant.

(b) Okay the prompt asking you to allow the portal to use your Device Location.

(c) When capturing your Face, make sure there is enough light where you are doing the face capture. It is recommended that you come outside in a day time to do the face capturing.

(d) Position your face inside the circle, blink, move your head side by side then keep steady until it captures. This mechanism was used to ensure that an Applicant can not use a picture to validate the NIN. When you move your face, blink, it detects a real image.

(e) When it has captured, proceed to match face with that of NIN.

2. Solution to Selection of Residence issues

(a) While starting Application, ensure you save every completed Stage, then note down your NPC Birth Registration Recruitment Application ID. This will enable you to resume where you stopped instead of starting afresh again and again. To continue at any time, begin from "Resume Application".

(b) Ensure you have turned on your Device Location before opening the NPC Birth Registration Recruitment Application Website.

(c) When you open "Resume Application", enter your NPC Birth Registration Recruitment Application ID or NIN. It will redirect to https://birthregistrationadhoce-recruitment.com/residence.

(d) Okay the pop-up, "this page can't load Google Maps correctly".

(e) Select Preferred State Of Assignment. If the States does not load, switch to Glo Network and repeat the process again.

(f) If "e" did not work, then you will need to wait for at least 5 days, then repeat the process again. The States will load instantly. Select State, Select LGA, then Select Health Centre closest to you.

A brief Description of NPC Birth Registration

The NPC Birth Registration is a partnership between the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and the National Population Commission (NPC) to register a minimum of 12 million eligible children under the age 5 years in the country.

The objectives of the NPC Birth Registration includes issuance of birth certificates that provides names and nationality of every child in the selected States in the Country.

The NPC, as a critical collaborator, will play an indispensable role in guaranteeing the success of this partnership. Chairman of the NPC, Honourable Nasir Isa Kwarra, affirms, "We are fully committed to facilitating the recruitment of ad hoc birth registrars at the ward level and ensuring the availability of registration materials to coordinators and supervisors. Through the dissemination of protocols, checklists, FAQs, and informational resources, our objective is to actively engage local government chairpersons, traditional and religious leaders, as well as communities, in emphasizing the significance of birth registration. Together, we will collect and analyze digitized birth registration data at the LGAs and wards, ultimately expanding the scope of birth registration coverage."

UNICEF, a renowned organization dedicated to child welfare and development, will contribute its expertise to support the digitalized birth registration services in targeted states. UNICEF representative in Nigeria, Cristian Munduate, emphasizes, "Our primary focus will involve providing technical assistance and evidence-based interventions. By integrating birth registration into routine health service delivery, facilitating the digitalized birth registration process, and increasing awareness through state and community-level campaigns, we aim to ensure that every child has access to and benefits from the vital health and birth registration interventions they deserve."

Through this partnership, the NYSC, NPC, and UNICEF are firmly committed to promoting the importance of birth registration within the National Youth Corps programs. Their goal is to stimulate increased demand for birth registration services in health facilities and at the community level. Furthermore, this collaboration will foster productive engagement with local government chairpersons, traditional and religious leaders, leveraging their support to enhance the digitalized birth registration process.

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