
FG announces new Npower Batch C2 Stipend Payment Date

The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development has in a new report reassured it's preparedness to commence the payment of Stipends to the 490,000 Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries before 2023 General Election.

According to the Humanitarian Affairs Ministry, the Payment of Batch C2 beneficiaries' Stipends begins this week.

The Ministry disclosed unalloyed vehemence in ensuring the Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries get their Stipends within the week in a report  contained in The PUNCH of Today 14th February 2023.

Recall that the Ministry had in several correspondences with the beneficiaries, assured that its technical Team in charge of Sipend Payment is working so hard to ensure the beneficiaries get paid in no distant time.  

The ministry noted that its plan is to pay 3 Months Stipends at once. The 3 Months Stipends would cover the months of October, November and December, 2022.

The Batch C2 Npower beneficiaries, upon their official engagement on 4th October 2022, has not been paid a dime as Stipends. The month of February 2023 makes it 5 months the beneficiaries have been unpaid even as they continued to attend their Places of Primary Assignments.

"Get Ready to Chop Chicken", the Npower Management responded to a beneficiary querying to know if there's still hope of Stipend Payment to the Batch C2 beneficiaries.

Related: Get ready to chop Chicken, Npower reassures Stipend Payment

The new plan by the Ministry to pay 3 months at once will amount to N90,000 per beneficiary of the Programme. That is, N30,000 times 3 Months.

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